
Understanding Sole Custody and Joint Custody

Custody battles are challenging for parents and their children. Also, the courts must make difficult decisions in order to accommodate the best interests of the child and the preferences of each parent.

Sole and joint custody each have unique considerations that must be made by all parties in order to achieve a satisfactory resolution. Family law attorneys provide a wide range of services that help you obtain the custody arrangement you want.

Sole Custody Considerations

Sole and joint custody are the two primary arrangements that may be made when parents decide to separate or divorce. If one parent can no longer meet the responsibility of raising a child, then sole custody is typically granted to the other parent.

Sole custody occurs in cases where there are issues related to physical health, alcohol or drug abuse, mental health, domestic violence, or child abuse.

Family law attorneys provide the courts with the documentation required for you to obtain sole custody of your child. Your attorney helps you present your case to the courts, who can then make the appropriate legal decision.

Working with a skilled family law attorney in obtaining sole custody allows you to protect your child and provide a stable home environment that supports his or her growth and development.

Sole custody requires you to arrange scheduling and visitation rights for both parents. This can be a point of conflict, and a family law attorney can help you establish your preferred visitation rights when obtaining sole custody of your child.

Joint Custody

Joint custody allows both parents to share in the activities and responsibilities related to raising a child.

As a result, both parents can be involved in making decisions that affect the long-term wellbeing and best interest of their child. These include aspects related to health care, education, religion and others.

Like sole custody, joint custody decisions will also require a schedule that allows both parents to spend time with their child. Your family law attorney helps you understand your rights in order to secure as much time with your child as possible.

There are many factors that your lawyer will help you consider when seeking joint custody. For example, balancing personal and professional lives make it difficult for parents to agree on a joint custody agreement.

In cases where an agreement cannot be reached, the courts will determine a schedule for both parties. Working with your family law attorney allows you to avoid this situation and secure an arrangement that meets your needs.

Family law attorneys make it easy for parents who aren’t willing to work together to come to a mutually satisfactory agreement and prevent further legal actions from being taken.

The Benefits of Working With a Family Law Attorney

Custody cases can be long and drawn out processes that can seem complex and overwhelming to parents.

Working with an expert family law attorney gives you the guidance you need to navigate through the court system, provide the necessary evidence and documentation, and ultimately look out for the best interests of you child.

More importantly, each custody case has unique needs that must be addressed through a customized approach. Your attorney will evaluate your case and present you with the best options that are available to you.

This helps parents avoid unwanted mediation and custody evaluation processes that are used when an agreement on child custody issues can’t be reached.

Your family law attorney will look after your needs and help you understand your rights in a court of law so that you obtain the custody arrangement that supports the best interests of your child.
